Well-drawn, but otherwise needs work.
Before I start with the review, I think I should let you know that I've never watched Lucky Star. For this reason, my opinion might be a little biased or something.
Now, although the characters were quite well-drawn, I found the lack of "real" animation pretty disappointing. Also, the "putting your own name in every part of the mostly unnecessary credits" gag is pretty overused; the movie would've gotten a higher score/rating if the credits gag was either more creative or just removed altogether. The movie would also be improved if the characters' dialogue had sounds and lip-synching of some sort, rather than just captions appearing next to the character that's supposed to be saying them. I also didn't find the plot particularly interesting. As such, the combination of shoddy animation, dialogue and plot made me lose interest in the flash quickly, and I probably stopped watching it before it was even halfway done. I hope my advice has helped you with your future works.